Monday, October 12, 2009

A Different View of some Local Sports History

I came across this article in the October 8, 2009 edition of the Washington Post. It basically previews one of ESPN's upcoming "30 for 30" series, which is a documentary series. ESPN has done a bunch of documentaries before, so you're probably thinking, "big deal." I was too, until I realized that their intent was to "... import a few well-known Hollywood filmmakers and give them complete creative control." Some of the stories I've come across include what went wrong with the USFL and the story/impact of the Gretzky trade from Edmonton to LA in 1988.

The article that my Mom left for me to read last Thursday was about the documentary "The Band that Wouldn't Die," and its sneak preview last Tuesday at M&T Bank Stadium with the band. The television premiere is on October 13th at 8pm. It starts, obviously, with the Baltimore Colts leaving town overnight in Mayflower trucks set for Indianapolis. From what I've read and previewed, that's where it ends. It goes on to tell the story of how the marching band uniforms avoided the move (when members stole the uniforms back from the dry cleaners) to how they thrived and kept the spirit of football in Baltimore for the 12 years that went on without an NFL team.

Most people know this story and others have felt the pain and heartache of a team moving from their city. This is another perspective on that part of sports. For all of those wondering whether they want to tune in or not, I recommend reading the Washington Post article. While I'm always interested in learning more about my local sports history, the article really got me curious about how this documentary tells their story. I will be tuning in when it airs Tuesday, October 13 at 8pm. Hope you do too.

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