Monday, November 17, 2008

Joe & Joe Sports Radio Show

To all of you fans of the radio show, don't worry, we haven't forgotten about it. We're focusing our efforts on the blog right now, as you may have been able to tell by the dramatic increase in the frequency of posts. All of us here at the blog are excited about what's going on in sports these days, and we've found that we're more effective at getting our excitement out in blog form rather than radio form.

That being said, we're working on topics for future radio shows, and while we still don't have one scheduled for anytime soon, you can rest assured that the radio show will return sometime before the end of the football season. If you've got any specific topics coming up that you'd like to discuss, drop them off in the comments. We've got the staff looking into a couple of segment ideas, sort of like our Stay the Course/Blow 'em Up segment in our NBA Offseason Preview show, as well as reviving some old stuff like the Over-Under segment, and doing some email on the air.

All of this comes together into us saying, "Stay tuned."

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