Saturday, April 28, 2007

I'm Sweet on Grady Sizemore

I can't help it. Over time, Sizemore has developed from a minimally important piece of my team to my number two keeper, just a pinch behind Miguel Cabrera.

Look at what he did tonight. I was watching the bottom line on ESPN News, and saw he stole a base. I said out loud to myself, "I appreciate it Grady, but I could really use a home run. Things have been a little light recently." I check in later, and he indeed picked up a home run, though of the inside-the-park variety. That means that he wanted to pick up that homer for me so badly that, even though he saw that hadn't hit it hard enough to clear the wall, he just hit the extra gear and flew around the bases.

Yes, that's right. I'm claiming responsibility for that Sizemore home run.

In other Riders of Rohan news, Jimmy Rollins picked up another home run, his 9th of the season. He hears me say that he won't keep up his torrid pace, and gets his bat into another pitch out of spite. Well, Jimmy, I say again you can't keep it up. Now punch another one into the bleachers.

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One Good Point (Movie) - Anaconda

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