Monday, November 18, 2019

Top 10 Journey Songs, Bonus Songs

As an homage to my college days, I've decided to make my first big list out of songs by Journey. This big load of tunes gave me a real sense of how challenging it's going to be when this list gets huge. So I think I'm going to have two different sorts of content in these posts: lists and integrations.

Lists will be like what I've posted so far, the ranked list of songs by a particular artist. Integrations will be done after I put together a list, but I'm not ready to incorporate it into the big list. Eventually the band will get sorted into the big list, and I'll add a note to list post indicating that it's taken place.

I'm also going to occasionally include one-hit wonder type songs, just noted in one list together. Of course some of them won't be true "one-hit wonders;" more so, they'll be individual songs that are the only song by the artist that I like/know. Elvis Costello has lots of songs, he just happens to only have one that I really like. We'll call them Bonus Songs. See below for an example.

Top 10 Journey Songs (not yet integrated)

  1. Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'
  2. Ask the Lonely
  3. Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)
  4. Don't Stop Believin'
  5. Any Way You Want It
  6. Faithfully
  7. Be Good to Yourself
  8. I'll Be Alright Without You
  9. Open Arms
  10. Wheel in the Sky

Bonus Songs (integrated)

  1. The Droge and Summers Band - Two of the Lucky Ones
  2. Panic! At The Disco - Nine in the Afternoon
  3. thenewno2 - Crazy Tuesday
  4. EMF - Unbelievable
  5. Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
  6. Elvis Costello - Alison
  7. Snow - Informer
  8. Lucas - Lucas with the Lid Off

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