Sunday, March 15, 2009

Joe and Joe Sports NCAA Tournament Bracket

Like most sports fans, we find the NCAA Men's college basketball tournament to be an exciting time of the year. The best part of the tournament is filling out a bracket and, as a result, caring about every single game in the tournament. Sure, you'll still cheer for 16th seeds to pull off the greatest upset in tournament history, but if you've got UNC winning it all, you'll (perhaps secretly) be pulling for them nearly every round.

The unofficially official Joe and Joe Sports tournament bracket is accessible here, on Join up and compare your choices with ours. Any ideas for what we should give the winner of our bracket? Post them in the comments.

Please note: cash is not an option. We're broke.


Chip said...
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Chip said...

I tossed two brackets in there... not because I want to win, just because its an open group and I'm going to be following two very similar brackets. I hope that is okay.

Anyway... prize ideas... how about an exclusive autographed signed photo of the hosts of the Joe and Joe Sports Radio Show? I'll even toss in the prize of two free hamburgers grilled up from my grill on my deck (cheese and condiments included depending on availability during cooking of said hamburgers). How does that sound? Too good to be true? Yeah, I know.

Anonymous said...

I know I would love an autographed picture of the hosts. Maybe a Shoutout and guest spot on the next broadcast(whenever that may be)

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