Monday, October 14, 2024

One Good Point (Show) - What If?, Season 2

The first time I watched through the first season of What If?, I was not impressed. I was still in my post-Endgame haze when it came to Marvel content, and I wanted stuff to contribute to the "story at large." What If? didn't do that.

But, the second time I watched through, I found a lot of it entertaining. I think having a bit of distance and separation, knowing it wasn't going to be part of the greater story (not really, at least), I was able to just sit and have fun with the show. I also think that mentality has helped me to enjoy X-Men '97 and the amount we've seen thus far from Agatha All Along.

Season two of What If? benefits from the same adjustment of expectations, but it doesn't have quite the same level of charm as the first season. I found myself nodding off as the pace of the episodes felt designed to stretch a fairly small story into something longer, but not necessarily greater. It's not the worst watch in the world, and there are some highlights (the first episode basically puts Nebula into Blade Runner and it's fucking brilliant). Just do like I did, and temper your expectations.

What If? is a Marvel television show, and is probably available on Disney+. But just in case, you can click here to check JustWatch and see where it's streamable.

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