Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Top 5 Quarterbacks

This isn't a fantasy football article, nor is it an article about which five quarterbacks have had the best careers to date. This article is solely about, if I had one shot, one season, this year, to try to win the Super Bowl, who would I pick? I'll do the same for running backs and wide receivers in the next week or so.

5. Tom Brady, New England PatriotsI'm sure many people will disagree with Brady being this low on the list, but at this point in his career, Brady is just a very good quarterback. He's no longer the guy who hits everyone in stride, who makes Deion Branch look like Jerry Rice, or who gets the full potential out of a guy like Randy Moss. I'll admit, Brady has been way better than I thought he would be early in his career, but it's twilight time.

4. Tony Romo, Dallas Cowboys
For all the guff that Romo gets for "not being clutch" or "making mistakes at the worst times," he's been a very, very good quarterback on a team that's not very good. Jerry Jones used to do an okay job putting together a roster, but when the Cowboys have had success recently, it's been in spite of the "GM." I think on a reasonably constructed team with balanced skill levels across the board, Romo wouldn't feel so compelled to make poor decisions, and his talent would bear out.

3. Peyton Manning, Denver Broncos
I still found myself starting to type Indianapolis Colts when I wrote Manning's name just now. Anyways, Manning has obviously shown himself to be an amazing talent at quarterback, even at his advanced age. He's still one of the best at reading defenses and adjusting to coverages. But, honestly, his Super Bowl performances have me worried. He's been to three Super Bowls, but hasn't thrown more than one touchdown in any of them. For teams that clearly rely on his ability to push the offense, that's a concern. Still, 90% of winning the Super Bowl is getting there.

2. Drew Brees, New Orleans Saints

Brees is a guy who I found intriguing coming out of college. I remember when the Chargers missed out on Michael Vick but snagged LaDainian Tomlinson #5 overall, and were able to swipe Brees in the second round, I thought they had maybe the best draft ever. Turns out, 20-year-old me knew a thing or two. Brees is a guy who can just pass the hell out of the ball. He takes new receivers every year and makes them fantasy relevant (anybody remember Devery Henderson?). And when everything's on his shoulders, he doesn't back down. It was super close for me between Brees and my top guy.

So, all that's left is my number one. Who could it be? Aaron Rodgers? No, he's always good, but doesn't have the overt competitive fire I'm looking for. Crazy homer pick with Robert Griffin or Joe Flacco? Nope. Griffin has shown me nothing, and I think Flacco stinks. Two-time champion Eli Manning? You mean the guy who's led the NFL in interceptions three different times? Probably not. Everybody's sexy fantasy pick this year, Matthew Stafford? Get serious, a Lion? Colin Kaepernick? Cam Newton? No?

So who is it then?

Wait for it.

1. Philip Rivers, San Diego Chargers
Surprised? If you know me, you probably shouldn't be. Rivers has been one of my favorite quarterbacks for a long time, even when he had a couple of down-ish years. He's been amazingly prolific despite a lack of a single top-end wide receiver for years now, ever since Vincent Jackson left town. He's had his ups and downs in the playoffs, but he's always up to the challenge. He's physical and intense, kind of reminds me of Brett Favre. The statistics will tell you that Rivers isn't deserving of this spot, but it's my list. He's the guy I'd want to start.

You disagree? Make your own goddamn list then.

Seriously, below in the comments. Make your list.

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