Monday, July 21, 2014

Potential Blog Merge

For those of you unaware, I write another smaller blog, mostly focused on video/board/card games. Technically I share the blog with a couple of friends, but most of the content has been generated by myself. It doesn't get much traffic, but I enjoy the writing, and the few people who read it seem to enjoy it.

To simplify my writing experience, and to keep my blogging fresher, I'm considering merging the two blogs together into a single Joe-based blog. It would feature both sports content as well as gaming content, as well as whatever else might be on my mind on a given day that I feel like writing about.

My question is, to the few of you who read this blog, would you have any objections to the combined content? I would import most of the old sports content into the new blog, but it would be intermixed with content from my other blog. If you have feedback, post it in the comments. Thanks!


Unknown said...

nerdy shit/sports are two of my favorite things so i dont mind.. i actualy didnt even know about this blog til yesterday

GoodPointJoe said...

I posted a comment that failed spectacularly. Let's try this again.

I actually do/did a sports radio show from time to time, it used to be called Joe and Joe Sports also, but my buddy Joe hasn't done one in a while, so I changed it to just "...and Joe Sports." Here's the link:


One Good Point (Movie) - Anaconda

 Oh man. So as most of you know, I enjoy a good monster movie. Jurassic Park is probably my all-time favorite movie, and Jaws is right there...