Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Fantasy Baseball Previews

So historically, I've always done some fantasy baseball preview articles. Baseball is my favorite fantasy sport, and I love talking about it. But, I've always sort of tempered myself in my posts, for two main reasons:
  1. I'm in an ultra-competitive league, and I don't want to give away any of my personal interests.
  2. I could write a hundred articles on fantasy baseball, and it's tough to pick a few topics to actually write about.
I've got some ideas of articles I'll almost certainly write, but I wanted to extend an offer to all of you: tell me what you want to hear. If you've got any topics you think I should talk about, or if you want to take your own stance and have me respond to it, by all means, drop me a line and let me know. You can reach me at joe.joe.sports@gmail.com. I'm completely and utterly available.

That goes for you too, ladies. Holla!

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